Pride Community Center

Community Center
Project Number:
November 8, 1980
Pride Foundation
850-860 and 890 Hayes Streets, San Francisco, California
Project Name:
Pride Community Center

This four-story 890 Hayes Street structure was built in 1983 and withstood without apparent damage the 1906 earthquake and fire. Now the headquarters building for the Pride Community Center, the building was designed in a grand manner that typified the boom growth era of San Francisco, a time in which many of San Francisco’s most notable buildings were designed. The goal of the building program is to retain and to enhance, wherever possible, the turn-of-the-century architecture of the building that has carefully been maintained over the years by the Holy Family Sisters.

However, due to the change in occupancy from convent to community center, the building is required to be brought into compliance with current building codes. Additionally, in order to serve the needs of the community, new facilities such as kitchens and rest rooms had to be added. The main building provides space for the senior citizens’ meal program, for administrative offices, for a variety of community services, and a gathering place for community functions and meetings.