Architecture Project Search Results

725 results Search again

Number Type Date Client Location Project Name Pictures?
0218 Graphic, Industrial Design February 1, 1963 Royal Hawaiian Liquors Co. Honolulu, Hawaii Scotch Bottle Label No
0217 Industrial Design, Retail Store displays, interiors and facades May 1, 1963 Phillips Liquors San Francisco, California Phillips Liquors No
0215 Interior Design and Construction, Residence 1963 Herb Cerwin San Francisco, California Cerwin Residence No
0214 Consulting, Industrial Design April 1, 1963 Thomas Thomasser San Francisco, California Catering No
0213 Industrial Design, Retail Store displays, interiors and facades 1963 Maggies Backyard San Francisco, California Maggies Backyard No
0211 Furnishings, Interior Design and Construction February 1, 1963 Alexander Henderson Alex Henderson Furniture No
0210 Consulting, Industrial Design 1960 Sid Wallace California El Dorado Apartments No
0209 Renovation, Theater February 1, 1963 Sidney Kelles San Francisco, California Cork Liquor Store No
0107 Brochures and Presentations for Firm 1958 Burns Presentation Willis Presentation No
0108 Art and Sculpture 1958 Mel's Drive In (via architect) Redwood City, California Mural for Mel's Drive-In Bar No
0663 Land, Master Planning 1975 Tad Taube San Francisco, California Green Point Terrace No
0662 Environment and Energy Conservation 1975 US Government, Corps of Engineers Honolulu, Hawaii Aliamanu Valley New Town No
0661 Environment and Energy Conservation 1975 City of Fremont Fremont, California City of Freemont Courthouse No
0658 Land, Master Planning July 29, 1974 Nashville, TN Green Hills No
0659 [No project name - number not assigned] No
0657 Land, Master Planning July 16, 1974 Texas Homes El Paso, TX Mesa Hill No. 2 Yes
0656 Land, Master Planning 1974 Kaufman and Broad Inc. (Kay Building Company) Kaufman and Broad Property Sales No
0655 Residence - new construction 1974 Joseph and Stephanie Koret 711 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco, California Koret Residence Yes
0654 Multi-family Housing - new construction Town and Country Hillsborough, Florida 12 Oaks Village, Hillsborough County, Florida Yes
0653 Consulting/Color, Interior Design and Construction May 7, 1974 Joan Le Noir 304 Walnut Street, San Francisco, California Le Noir Consulting No